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In 2019, the First Presbyterian Church of Norwalk, Ohio began a ministry to share a symbol of God's love in Jesus Christ with whoever wanted or needed one.  Each cross is made of reclaimed wood, just as God reclaims us despite our sin.  The crosses are made by volunteers on the campus of the church in a wood workshop underneath our sanctuary.  It is our commitment that every one of our crosses should be free of charge. 


Since Easter of 2019, we have distributed over a thousand crosses.  




Historically, the cross was a horrible method of execution used by the Romans for traitors and the worst of criminals.  Whatever the Romans thought they were doing when they crucified Jesus, the event of the cross changed human history forever.  Jesus' sacrifice of himself on the cross broke the power of sin which was a barrier between God and us.  In that way, the cross became a symbol of love.  As Jesus himself said, 


"For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life" (John 3:16).

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